Is Whey Protein Halal?

is whey protein halal

You may have heard about whey proteins if you’re an exercise enthusiast or even just health conscious. They apparently assist in strength and muscle growth for humans in some circumstances. I researched different whey protein brands and ingredients since I’ve always wondered whether or not whey protein is halal in Islam.

Make sure no haram components were used in the production of the whey protein if you want to be certain that whey protein is halal.

Briefly stated, lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin are the two main proteins present in weight protein which is okay. Whey proteins are not all halal, though. If whey protein is made with a non-microbial enzyme, it is prohibited. Since rennet is used to make cheese, whey is a by-product of cheese, which may or may not be halal.

What Is Whey Protein?

One of the main proteins included in dairy products is whey protein. Whey protein, a byproduct of producing cheese, offers significant amounts of the essential amino acids required to carry out the tasks that proteins do in the body.

Whey protein can be added to liquids or soft meals or combined with ice and fresh fruit to produce smoothies. It usually comes in the form of a powder.

People commonly take whey protein to improve athletic performance and address nutritional deficiencies or problems. [source]

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Benefits of Whey Protein:

  • Aiding weight loss
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Improve the immune response in children with asthma
  • Significantly reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension
  • Reducing weight loss in people with HIV

Types Of Whey Protein:

Whey protein is available in three major types: whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI), and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH).

Whey protein concentrate: WPC has a small amount of fat and a small number of carbs. The amount of protein in WPC varies according to its concentration.

Whey protein isolate: WPIs undergo additional processing to get rid of all the fat and lactose. WPI typically contains at least 90% protein.

Whey protein hydrolysate: Since WPH has already experienced partial hydrolysis, which is a step required for the body to absorb protein, it is referred to as the “predigested” version of whey protein.

Read More on Muscle Building And Weight Loss

Is Whey Protein Halal?

For the Ḥalal status of the whey protein concentrate in any product, it is necessary that research be conducted into the procedures involved in extracting the whey protein contained in that specific product.

There are two types of whey: acid whey and sweet or rennet whey. When manufacturing acid-type cheeses like cottage cheese, acid whey is produced. More sweet or rennet whey than acid whey is used in food products.

If whey is made with pig or calf enzymes that have not been Islamically slaughtered, it is prohibited. Or it might have a suspicious element in it that could make it haram. So make sure the Whey is halal approved before you consume any.

Some ingredients included in whey protein that may be haram include:

  • Beef or Pork Gelatin
  • Cholic Acid
  • Carmine
  • Maltitol
  • Bone phosphate
  • Lac, Shellac
  • Gelatin
  • L-Cystine
  • Lanoline
  • Cochineal Extract

According to the apparent meaning of the opinions reported by the majority of scholars among the Maalikis, Shaafa’is, and Hanbalis, rennet derived from an animal that dies naturally or that was not slaughtered is impure and should not be consumed.

There is a verse from Quran which clearly describes this:

Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, and swine; what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah; what is killed by strangling, beating, a fall, or by being gored to death; what is partly eaten by a predator unless you slaughter it; and what is sacrificed on altars. You are also forbidden to draw lots for decisions.1 This is all evil. Today the disbelievers have given up all hope of ˹undermining˺ your faith. So do not fear them; fear Me! Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favour upon you, and chosen Islam as your way. But whoever is compelled by extreme hunger—not intending to sin—then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

[Quran 5:3]

Meat is seen as being the same as dead meat when it is labeled as impure since it was not properly slaughtered.

Halal whey protein is frequently marked with halal certification from reliable organizations and I will suggest you only buy the halal ones if you want to be sure.

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Fatwa On Whey Protein

Muslim scholars have different views on whether or not whey protein is halal.

In his fatwa, Sheikh Kifah Mustapha explains how he views the situation:

Praise be to Allah.

There are two “reasons” behind text dictating something haram or not in consumption; harmfulness and filthiness.

If it is proven scientifically that consuming whey protein is harmful to the human body, then it would be haram for protecting the self is a major concept in Islam. If the substance is filthy it is also considered haram.

Now as to the first point as I read it does not represent a medical harm in consumption.

As to the second point; those who consider that substance changes chemically into a new substance, thus even if it was from a filthy animal like pig, they say it becomes halal. The transformation or (Istahalah) is applicable on this matter. Those who say regardless of transformation filthy is filthy in any format and they consider it haram.

I personally lean to the first point but if I can get non filthy substance, of course I will take that choice first.

And Allah knows best.


Scholars differ in their beliefs about whether whey protein made from rennet derived from animals is halal, however many hold the viewpoint that I highlighted in the previous section.

Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Mangera states:

The reason for the problematic nature of whey is the rennet used to curdle the milk in order to produce the whey and cheese. If the rennet is halal (for instance from a halal animal, vegetable, or most microbial sources) then the whey and cheese is also halal, otherwise not.

Whey as defined by MSN Encarta: Whey, watery byproduct of the cheese making process. It is drained off after the milk has been heated and rennet (a curdling agent) added to induce coagulation. In Scandinavia, especially Norway, whey is turned into cheese, mysost and gjetost (from goat’s whey). The flavor of whey cheese is sweet from added brown sugar. When whey is heated under controlled conditions, the protein molecules bond in a process called polymerization to form an edible film. Researchers have been looking at applications for this film in the food preservation and sports nutrition industries.

From HalalPak

Whey: A watery part of the milk, milk serum, and it is the liquid that remains after the curd and the cream are removed from the coagulation of the casein of milk. Curdling of milk for cheese preparation takes place with the use of the enzyme rennet. As for the cheese, the enzyme “rennet” used to produce the cheese may be from animal origin and from pig source.


The rennet made from a pig’s stomach is considered haram and impure by Mufti Taqi Uthmaani, provided that its original properties and chemical composition are not significantly altered.

The reason being that the lawfulness of rennet does not depend upon the slaughterer being a Muslim or non-Muslim, in fact it depends upon whether there is life in it or not. If there is no life in rennet then death cannot occur because life and death are opposites. The circulation of blood in an organ is the cause of life. No blood flows through rennet therefore rennet is not a living organism. To consume and use rennet is permissible. The Honourable Saahibayns difference in opinion in this is connected to the fact that rennet is situated in close proximity to impure substances contained in the stomach of the animal irrespective of whether the rennet from the animal was extracted and slaughtered by a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

Mufti Nizamuddin (Karachi, Pakistan)

I suggest that you approach with caution and stay away from whey protein that is not marked as halal or vegetarian.

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Does whey protein contain pork?

Usually, whey proteins are vegetarian and some can contain animal products like milk and egg. It’s highly unlikely that pork or beef is used in the manufacturing of whey proteins.

Is cultured whey halal?

If the cheese being produced is halal, then liquid whey and ingredients from whey, such as whey powder, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, and lactose, are also halal, provided the drying equipment is halal. This is because typically nothing else is added to the whey after it is drained to make cheese.

What is whey made from?

The process of creating cheese produces whey. Enzymes are given to the milk after it passes quality checks to separate the curd from the watery whey. The protein is then purified and extracted from the liquid whey after it has been processed.

Are all whey protein vegetarian?

Whey protein is typically suitable for vegetarian eating because it is derived from milk, an animal product, rather than from meat.

Is creatine halal or haram?

Creatine is typically regarded as Halal because it doesn’t include any animal products or alcohol.

Final Thoughts

After extensive research, I found out that there are two schools of thought here from scholars among Muslims. It is best to choose the path of caution when in doubt. Halal certifiers have examined whey protein that carries the halal certification and found that it originates from halal sources. So it’s safe to buy whey protein that has a halal label.

And Allah Knows Best.

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